Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Diversity Project

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For the diversity assignment, I decided to introduce my partner Henna to the world of theater, but probably not exactly what she would expect. Yes, it's all fun and games when it comes to cast bonding, theater games and putting on the production but a lot goes on behind that. The director of the new show I'm in, WECYCLING, Caleen Jennings offered to give Henna a speech coaching session. We met in Caleen's office and discovered that both Caleen and Henna were fans of J.K. Rowling. We printed a section from Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone and Henna read through it while Caleen gave her tips. Henna appeared nervous at first but really improved her speech technique as she warmed up to it. I think she enjoyed her lesson--well I hope she did. I also think Henna walked away with tips for any future presentations she may encounter. For the Caribbean Circle event I attended with Henna, check out her blog

1 comment:

  1. I am glad everything worked out!

    Instagram: Cmichellestyles
